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Long Time CLT Members Take Their Final Bow

L/A Community Little Theatre has lost three amazing members of our family recently: Pat Schnitzer, Lynne LeSuer and Janet Gibson. Our sincere condolences go out to the families.

Pat Schnitzer passed away quietly in October, surrounded by family and friends. Pat has left an indelible mark on CLT. She is perhaps best known in her role as Costume chair and as a costumer extraordinaire. We quite literally couldn’t tally all of the shows she has costumed for CLT. Some people know the history of CLT the organization - Pat knows the history of CLT’s costumes, and she could probably tell you a particular costumes’ entire pedigree! Here she is being recognized at our 75th Anniversary Gala for her lifetime's work and for making so many people look so good!

Lynne LeSuer was a long time patron, season ticket holder and sometimes cast member at CLT. Lynne passed away in late November. She and her wife Melanie have been wonderful supporters of L/A Community Little Theatre - they were always a familiar face on the audience. On occasion, we could sometimes get Lynne onstage - like in our productions of "A Christmas Carol". Behind the curtains, or in front of them, Lynne will be sorely missed.

Janet passed in her sleep Saturday, December 10th. Janet has appeared on stage in numerous CLT productions. However, our CLT patrons often considered her to be the face of CLT as she served in the capacity of Box Office Manager and Season Ticket Coordinator for a number of years. Janet was our CLT Historian - she wrote the book – literally, about the history of CLT so that we might all have access to that treasure trove of information. Janet was also recognized at our 75th Anniversary Gala for her many, many years of service to CLT.

"Who can say if I've been changed for the better,

but because I knew you

I have been changed for good."

-Stephen Schwartz, "Wicked"

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30 Academy Street

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