2024 - 2025 SPONSORS
Bravo and thank you to our generous underwriters and sponsors!
We simply could not do what we do without you.
Consider Joining CLT as a Sponsor!
Our underwriters and sponsors make us who we are and what we do possible. Their help means more than ever. We simply would not be able to provide quality live entertainment and arts education for our youth without our generous community partners. As we begin our 85th season, might we count on your support?
Interested? Please contact Penny Drumm at 333-3386 or Penny.smartmanagement@gmail.com
Season Underwriter $5,000+
Underwrites all events and receives maximum public recognition throughout the year.
Full page ad in our programs for the entire season
Company logo on program cover for the entire season
Company logo on posters for all shows
Company logo with link on CLT website homepage.
Company logo on all mailing pieces related to the shows
Company logo on all e-blasts for shows and all other CLT announcements
Recognized as a season underwriter in print advertising related to all season shows
Announced as underwriter in all show curtain speeches for the entire season
Recognition in program book throughout the season
Ten Flex Passes to each show
Show Sponsor $2,500+
Sponsors a specific show in mainstage season or summer camp programs.
Half page ad in our programs for the show sponsored
Company logo in program for the sponsored show
Company name on the playbill for sponsored show
Company logo and link on CLT website
Company logo on all mailing pieces related to the sponsored show
Recognized as a show sponsor in print advertisement related to the sponsored show
Listing on all e-blasts for shows and all other CLT announcements
Announced as show sponsor in the curtain speeches for the sponsored show
Recognition in program book throughout the season
4 passes (8 tickets) to sponsored show
Show Co-Sponsor $1,500+
Co-sponsors a specific show in mainstage season or summer camp programs.
Quarter page ad in our programs for the show co-sponsored
Recognized as a show co-sponsor in print advertising related to the sponsored show
Company name listed on playbill for co-sponsored show
Company name and link on CLT website
Company name on all mailing pieces related to the co-sponsored show
Listing on all e-blasts for shows and all other CLT announcements
Announced as show co-sponsor in curtain speeches for the co-sponsored show
Recognition in program book throughout the season
3 passes (6 tickets) to sponsored show
Show Supporter $1,000+
Supports a specific show in mainstage season or summer camp programs.
Quarter page ad in our program for the show supported
Company name listed on the playbill for supported show
Company name and link on CLT website
Company name on all mailing pieces related to the sponsored show
Listing on all e-blasts for shows and all other CLT announcements
Announced as show supporter in curtain speeches for the supported show
Recognition in program book throughout the season
2 passes (4 tickets) to sponsored show
Website Sponsor $1,000+
Recognized as website sponsor (with logo/link) on the CLT website for the entire year
Recognition in program book throughout the season
Company name on all CLT mailing pieces for the entire season
Listing on all e-blasts for shows and all other CLT announcements
Announced as website sponsor in curtain speeches for the entire season
2 passes (4 tickets) to a CLT event of choice